Natali SPA



Fratelli Branca Distillerie S.r.l. is a well-established Italian company owned by the Branca Family, operating in the spirit industry. The company, founded over 160 years ago in Milan, has always been controlled and headed by the Branca family, now at the fifth generation.


Antica formula 100 cl. - 6 bottle x box

Fernet branca 100 cl. - 6 bottle x box

Fernet branca 75 cl. - 12 bottle x box

Fernet branca menta 100 cl. - 6 bottle x box

Punt e mess 100 cl. - 6 bottle x box

Stravecchio branca 100 cl. - 6 bottle x box

fernet branca

Fratelli Branca is a distillery based in Milan, Italy, that was founded in 1845. Fratelli Branca makes an amaro digestif, Fernet Branca, and recently bought Punt e Mes.