NATALI // 22.12.2022
Our home care portfolio, includes some of the best brands in the home care world, please have a look at our list of items:
NATALI // 20.12.2022
We are glad to introduce the new price list for December 2022.
Our commitment, as always, is to offer our customers only the best valued brands.
If you...
NATALI // 21.11.2022
Head & Shoulders have dedicated theirselves to becoming The Scalp Expert, getting rid of dandruff and giving people great-looking hair.
They are committed to being transparent, and...
NATALI // 17.11.2022
Our P&G portfolio keeps growing: we managed to increase our Hair Care seletcion through these new sizes
NATALI // 24.10.2022
ALWAYS has been serving women with period care products for 40+ years. Ensuring that their products are safe for the millions of women who use them is at he foundation of everything P&G...
NATALI // 21.10.2022
We are glad to introduce the new price list for October 2022, where you will find these Always items recently added:
NATALI // 23.09.2022
Our Fabric care portfolio just expanded and now includes some of the best items in the Fabric care world, please have a look at our list of items:
ARIEL /...
NATALI // 21.09.2022
We are glad to introduce the new price list for September 2022, where you will find these Ariel/Fairy items recently added:
NATALI // 22.08.2022
Always has been serving women with period care products for 40+ years. Ensuring that those products are safe for the millions of women who use them is at the foundation of P&G’s aim....
NATALI // 19.08.2022
We are glad to introduce the new price list for August 2022.
Our commitment, as always, is to offer our customers only the best valued brands.
If you...
NATALI // 20.07.2022
This month we would like to focus on Swiffer, that with its fluffy fibers trap and lock dust and allergens.
The unique fluffy fibers can also change shape to get into nooks and...
NATALI // 18.07.2022
We are glad to introduce the new price list for July 2022. As usual you will find Ariel, Fairy, Always, Crest, Head & Shoulders, Herbal Essence, Febreze, Pantene, Gillette and Old Spice,
NATALI // 22.06.2022
Our oral care portfolio, includes some of the best brands in the oral care world, please have a look at our list of items:
NATALI // 20.06.2022
We are glad to introduce the new price list for June 2022.
Our commitment, as always, is to offer our customers only the best valued brands.
If you wish to...
NATALI // 18.05.2022
Pantene is more and more committed to make the best possible hair care—safe and effective—in the best possible way.
Every single day, hundreds of Pantene...
NATALI // 16.05.2022
We are glad to introduce the new price list for May 2022, where you will find these Pantene items recently added:
NATALI // 19.04.2022
This month we would like to focus on two Ariel items, which have long been two cornerstones of our P&G pricelist:
NATALI // 15.04.2022
We are glad to introduce the new price list for April 2022. As usual you will find Ariel, Fairy, Always, Crest, Head & Shoulders, Herbal Essence, Febreze, Pantene, Gillette...
NATALI // 23.03.2022
We are glad to announce that P&G has increased the range of products for Febreze selection and that many new items have been added to our portfolio.
All Febreze products are produced...
NATALI // 18.03.2022
We are glad to introduce the new price list for March 2022.
Along with the recently added Febreze items, you will also find the following Swiffer items recently added:
...NATALI // 17.02.2022
We are glad to introduce the new price list for February 2022.
You will find these items recently added, for example:
...NATALI // 18.01.2022
We are glad to introduce the new price list for January 2022. As usual you will find Ariel, Fairy, Always, Crest, Head & Shoulders, Herbal Essence, Febreze, Pantene, Gillette and Old...
NATALI // 16.12.2021
We are glad to introduce the new price list for December 2021.
You will find these items recently added, for example:
NATALI // 18.11.2021
We are glad to introduce the new price list for November 2021.
You will find these items recently added, for example:
NATALI // 19.10.2021
We are glad to introduce the new price list for October 2021.
You will find these items recently added, for example:
NATALI // 22.09.2021
Olay beauty care for Skin: with over 65 years of a science-first approach to skin care they are dedicated to give quality products, safe ingredients and real results.
Olay worldwide...
NATALI // 20.09.2021
We are glad to introduce the new price list for September 2021.If you want to have a look to items list please
NATALI // 18.08.2021
For more than 50 years, Safeguard has delivered on the commitment to prevent the spread of bacteria with our soap. With a presence in more than 15 countries, Safeguard continues to introduce new...
NATALI // 20.07.2021
We are glad to introduce the new price list for July 2021.
As usual you will find Ariel, Always, Crest, Head & Shoulders, Herbal Essence, Pantene, Febreze, Gilette and Old...
NATALI // 17.06.2021
This month P&G has added the following 3 new Secret deodorants to our product...
NATALI // 17.05.2021
We are glad to announce that P&G will supply also the brand Safeguard to our product range.
Safeguard is an antibacterial soap and it contains the ingredient Triclosan, which effectively...
NATALI // 10.05.2021
Always pads are made with purposeful ingredients to help give up to 100% leak-free comfort throughout the period.
Since feminine pads are considered a medical device, all Always products and...
NATALI // 19.04.2021
We are glad to announce that P&G has revamped the lines of Always, Gillette Venus and Gillette aftershave
NATALI // 15.03.2021
We are glad to announce that P&G has added new personal care items to our range.
NATALI // 15.02.2021
We are glad to announce that P&G has added new items to our range.
There are many items from Febreze, Flash, Viakal, Swiffer, Fairy and Oral B.
NATALI // 16.12.2020
We are proud to announce that 2021 will see Natali Alessandro & Co. S.p.A. continue as official Procter & Gamble distributor for the Limited Access Retail (“LAR”) channel.
For the...
NATALI // 12.10.2020
We are glad to present you the new H&S Premium line-up and Pantene top formula.
H&S old line has been totally revamped both in its formula and in package:
- A new gentle formula...
NORMATIVE // 19.11.2018
Vi informiamo che l’Agenzia delle Entrate, durante i videoforum organizzati da “Il Sole 24 Ore” e da “ItaliaOggi”, ha risposto a numerosi dubbi sull’applicazione della fatturazione elettronica che...
COMMERCIO // 25.01.2018
Trasmettiamo in allegato il comunicato del 25 gennaio u.s. dell'Agenzia delle Dogane - Direzione Centrale Legislazione e Procedure Doganali - che informa che a decorrere dal 13 febbraio 2018, nelle...
COMMERCIO // 23.01.2018
Vi trasmettiamo in allegato la nota a prot. n. 125443/R.U. del 5.1.2018 della Direzione Centrale Legislazione e Procedure Doganali - Ufficio normativa e contenzioso in materia doganale ed...
NATALI // 12.10.2017
Vi informiamo che l'INAIL, con propria circolare n. 42 del 12 ottobre 2017, ha fornito le prime istruzioni operative relative alle modalità con cui i datori di lavoro, a partire dal 12 ottobre...
NATALI // 06.10.2017
Vi informiamo che dal prossimo 12 ottobre entra in vigore l'obbligo, per i datori di lavoro, di comunicare in via telematica all'Inail, a fini statistici ed informativi, i dati e le informazioni...
NATALI // 26.07.2017
Oggetto: IVA - Split Payment - DM 13 luglio 2017
Vi informiamo che il 14 luglio 2017, il Dipartimento delle Finanze ha comunicato l'emanazione di un nuovo decreto, datato 13 luglio 2017,...
NORMATIVE // 31.05.2017
Vi informiamo che in occasione del Forum lavoro della Fondazione studi dei consulenti del lavoro, l’Agenzia delle Entrate ha chiarito che sono esclusi dall’obbligo di presentazione del...
NATALI // 07.04.2017
Trasmettiamo la nota a prot. 38945/R.U. del 30 marzo u.s. della Direzione Centrale Legislazione e Procedure Doganali - Ufficio normativa e contenzioso in materia doganale ed extratributaria,...
EXPORT // 02.02.2017
Oggetto: Dogane. Soppressione delle comunicazioni concernenti gli acquisti intracomunitari di beni e le prestazioni di servizi ricevute da soggetti stabiliti in un altro Stato membro...
EXPORT // 02.02.2017
Oggetto: Entrate. Dichiarazioni d’intenti. Modello da utilizzare dal 1° marzo 2017 L'Agenzia delle Entrate ha emanato la risoluzione n. 120/E con oggetto: “Nuovo modello di...
TRASPORTI // 21.09.2016
La Direzione Centrale Legislazione e Procedure Doganali ha diramato la nota di autorizzazione alla costituzione di una garanzia globale, e il modello di decisione che gli uffici delle dogane...
EXPORT // 14.09.2016
Con l’approvazione definitiva del decreto di “Riorganizzazione, razionalizzazione e semplificazione delle Autorità Portuali” da parte del Consiglio dei Ministri, lo...
EXPORT // 16.07.2016
Uno dei tanti adempimenti accessori , ai quali i soli operatori italiani del settore sono stati sottoposti in questi anni , è stato quello della compilazione del registro carico/scarico delle...
NATALI // 15.06.2016
Dal 1° maggio il Codice Doganale dell’Unione (CDU), con le relative disposizioni attuate (RE), integrative (RD) e transitorie (RDT), presenta numerose novità atte a limitare gli...